For what it is worth:

I wrote this in April and never hit publish. I have been letting it simmer. It seems like it might be worth the conversation.

I am on my way home from the #NCSM17 and #NCTM17 conference. I had the privilege of being part of a team of educators who presented at both of these conferences.  We shared a story about how we collaborated K-12 to improve our ability to teach math.

During our story, we shared some powerful #MTBoS experiences that transformed our teaching.  These experiences were so transformative because they simultaneously lived inside and outside of the boundaries of our zipcode.  We worked together in our district, but we also worked together in the Math Twitter Blogoshpere.  We reflected with each other and we reflected with educators all over the world.

I have been sitting in the Charlotte airport for 5 hours. My connecting flight doesn’t leave for two more hours. I have spent the majority of my time in the airport reflecting.

This morning, on Twitter, I shared links to our NSCM and NCTM presentation with several #MTBoS folks who were instrumental in the evolution of my (and my colleague’s) learning this year.  I engaged in a thoughtful, and somewhat provocative conversation with some twitter friends, none of whom I have ever met in person.

Take a look:

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As we talked, I wondered:

  • When and how do we establish relationships on Twitter?
  • Does humility and vulnerability impact who we engage with on Twitter?
  • Does Twitter have a culture?  Is it persavise or incidental?

Shortly after I wrapped up a two-hour reflection session with @Simon_Gregg@nomad_penguin@KentHaines@TAnnalet, and @m_pettyjohn, I read Dylan Kane’s blog post: On NCTM and MTBoS

I found Dylan’s post fascinating. It seems like Dylan is wondering if people who are new to MTBoS know the purpose of MTBos.  I have only been engaged with MTBoS since last May so I would consider myself on the “new” side of the experience. I am not sure what the collective purpose of #MTBoS is, but I have a pretty clear vision of my own purpose.  I actually tweeted it during one of the conversations that I mentioned above.

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Sometimes I do this by just engaging in a problem solving experience.  Other times, I ask for help with a teaching struggle.  I don’t actively remind myself of my purpose, but I think it is usually a motivating factor of my engagement.

I guess I wonder if it is possible for #MTBoS to have a collective purpose.  It is a community right? But it doesn’t have a structure or rules.  There are no bylaws or sign up sheets.  You can’t point to it or place it on a map. It doesn’t really live anywhere.

Yet, it most certainly feels alive.

It evolves.  Doesn’t it?

Shouldn’t it?